7:00am | Open with “Early Bird”

This is when children arrive that have parents whose work schedule necessitates the dropping off before our preschool start time. We eat breakfast from home, play, exercise, and watch a short movie during this time.

8:30 - 8:45am | Carpool for Preschool (Arrival)

8:30am - 12:00pm | Preschool

For children ages 2 and up, our classes consist of Circle time, Center time, Art projects, Weekly themes and daily Bible time. We also pray together, have music time and Chapel time. Our children younger than 2 enjoy developmentally appropriate playtime, skill building, and discovery learning according to their interests.

12:00 -12:15pm | Carpool for Preschool (Departure)

12:00 - 5:30pm | Stay & Play

This is the time of day that we nap, have snack and play, play, play!