12th Annual Fellowship Bass Tournament
March 19, 2022 | Lake Tuscaloosa
March 18, 2022 | 6:30 pm
Mandatory Devotional for All Anglers
Special Guest
Mike Perrigin, pastor of Chapel Hill Baptist, Fayette will share Friday night. He loves Jesus Christ and has a passion for the great outdoors.
1st place - $1000
2nd place - $500
3rd place - $300
4th place - $100
Four $100 zero pots
Optional Big Fish Pot - $10/boat
Optional Big Fish will pay 60% of pot
2nd overall big fish will pay 40% of pot
Tournament Rules
Participants agree to obey all Federal, State, local laws, as well as the rules listed below, and knowingly participates at their own risk:
1. How to register: Register online below or sign up at the devotional on March 18, 2022, starting at 5:30 pm. Registration will be closed during the devotional on March 18, 2022. Online Registration closes at noon on March 16, 2022.
2. Mandatory (No exceptions) that each person who fishes on Saturday, March 19, 2022, will attend the Devotional on Friday, March 18, 2022, at 6:30 pm. Check-In and Walk-In Registration will start at 5:30 pm. The location will be at Valley View Baptist Church on Highway 69 South. (Please understand that we are trying to reach people for Jesus Christ). Everyone (men and women) is welcome to attend the Devotional even if you do not intend fishing during the event.
3. Open Division (ONLY)
a. Limit of two (2) anglers per boat. One person in the boat must be 19 years of age or older. Any person fishing under the age of 19 must have a release signed by a Parent or Guardian before the morning of takeoff.
4. No entry fee to fish. Attending the mandatory devotional is your entry fee.
5. Big Fish: Anglers have the opportunity to pay an optional $10 big fish pot per boat. Payout will be 60% of the pot for 1st overall big fish and 40% for 2nd overall big fish.
6. The boat number is determined by order of registration.
7. Boat Landing: Everyone must leave from Binion Creek boat landing for the start of the tournament and weigh in at Binion Creek boat landing (subject to change).
8. All boats must be within 200 yards of the Binion Creek boat landing at 3 pm or subject to be disqualified. Weigh-in will start at 2:45 pm on the day of the tournament.
9. Only artificial baits will be allowed.
10. Fish size limit no less than 12 inches. Any fish in question will be measured with the golden rule.
11. Limit of 5 fish per boat.
12. Live well will be checked before the tournament begins.
13. Life jackets are required to be worn when the big motor is running.
14. Only largemouth bass, spotted bass, and smallmouth bass will be accepted.
15. All boats must have live well; no stringers or iced-down fish will be accepted.
16. All boats must weigh in their fish before trailering their boats or be disqualified.
17. Boats may choose not to weigh in any fish and will be considered for the “Zero” pot drawing. Boat cards must be turned in prior to the drawing. Winners must be present at the time of drawing.
18. All ties will be equally divided.
19. Any grievance must be submitted to the tournament committee before or during the weigh-in.
20. Once the weigh-in scales have been closed, the tournament will be considered closed.
21. All decisions by tournament officials will be final.
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